
Upload Feedback Thread (post here if your uploads are deleted too)

Posted under General

Given the handful of threads lately for the same topic, I think we should take a page out of other Boorus' books and have one centralized thread for upload feedback. Further discussions on these matters should go in this thread.

Updated by ANJU

So as I understand the posts are only approved if an approver/moderator likes your post but won't that inherently create a bias towards certain content?
E.g. If I was an approver with this method I'd have a bias towards posts with the Flat_Chest & Small_Breasts tags.

Shouldn't it just be a base standard that a post has to reach to be approved? not reliant on the actual content within (As long as it isn't breaking any rules) e.g. Correct anatomy, good detail, no obvious defects, something that hasn't already been posted, etc.

Not expecting you to change the system just want to understand the reasoning behind how it is currently and why a baseline standard isn't setup/applied instead.

On another note, anyone can still see "deleted" posts Here, maybe people would take it better if it was called something else like "unapproved" as the term deleted can make people assume it has been removed from the site completely.

People are inherently going to be harsher on content they don't like. I don't want to ask users to approve things they don't like just because they're "technically good", and even if I did it would likely not change much as users won't don't like something will view it as worse than something they do like.

Talulah said:

People are inherently going to be harsher on content they don't like. I don't want to ask users to approve things they don't like just because they're "technically good", and even if I did it would likely not change much as users won't don't like something will view it as worse than something they do like.

If this is the case, then I'm completely missing the point of the approval process. I initially assumed that it was screening for things like nightmare fuel, low-res images, imitations of real-life people, etc. But if it's just a method for a select few choosing what they like, then I don't see why that role can't be better and more efficiently covered by the basic rating/fav system.

It's for quality control. The idea is only users who have shown themselves to have a good track record of uploads/likes will be promoted, and thus those users are the most likely to only approve good content.

From what I can recap here. The problem is that there is not many approvers to approve everything in the 3 days timespan. And they are not thinking of giving people approver role (yet) as they want to keep this 'Quality control' to be fair and balanced and to not be bias. While people thinks that the quality control can not be easily put into bias as most of the criteria are fact/ something most people can agree on, (ie. nightmare fuel, imitations of real-life people) and the opinion that the approvers are biased as there are some posts that has been reviewed by only 1 or 2 approvers and has been rejected without reasoning. which came down to my opinions here:

- Give the privileges to approve to those who has been active regularly and has good amount of posts. Probably asks said user before if they will have time to do the approve.

- Make an upvotes system like in most subreddit for post that are not approved, maybe make the buttons bigger and change the 'This post has not been approved' banner to 'Upvote if you think this post belong to the site' but takes this as a grain of salt as I rarely use Reddit

- Allow approver to approve deleted posts (if thats possible) since most of them are just expired because approvers didn't have time, you can make a new status to 'expired' or something so that it is separated from the deleted pile.

Ratcha said:

From what I can recap here. The problem is that there is not many approvers to approve everything in the 3 days timespan. And they are not thinking of giving people approver role (yet) as they want to keep this 'Quality control' to be fair and balanced and to not be bias. While people thinks that the quality control can not be easily put into bias as most of the criteria are fact/ something most people can agree on, (ie. nightmare fuel, imitations of real-life people) and the opinion that the approvers are biased as there are some posts that has been reviewed by only 1 or 2 approvers and has been rejected without reasoning.

The issue isn't the 72 hour time limit, honestly. I think it's just down to the availability of any given approver. For example, I work at night from 10pm - 6am, so for me when I get home I may or may not check the site as one of the first things I do. After that I'd (reasonably) probably spend a good portion of the day asleep if I didn't have a shit sleep schedule, but I check the queue around 4 ~ 7 times each day if I can help it. I don't know where everyone else is located or what their habit is with looking at the queue, but quite a few seem to be off/away by the time I'm a awake and vice-versa.

Anyway, I don't think anyone had said the approval system didn't have bias; it does. People have biases about everything, and the same goes for looking at pictures and deciding which ones you like. I feel like the only real objective metric to disapprove a post is if it breaks the rules (except if it's maybe "borderline" and I don't know for sure.) Take a this example I apply with a couple users;

  • If a user has a generally good history of uploads I've approved in the past, I consider it more likely they'll continue uploading content I like, therefore the chances of their posts being approved by me increases. They may take priority for me in reviewing.

For me, it's not a "buddy" system. I don't approve stuff because I'm friends with any specific user. I don't have friends on here and I've never been convinced to approve something because someone told me I should. I only use my own judgement because that's what you're supposed to do. If I get told, "approve stuff even if you don't like it but only base your decision on whether the image is technically good or technically bad," then that's what I would do.

It's the expectation to approve what you like (just like on Danbooru, and I'm very sure, on many other booru sites), especially because if you don't like something, you're more likely to consider it bad. That's the reason multiple approvers exist, because they may end up liking something someone else doesn't and it only takes 1 person to approve/undelete something, regardless of how many before them disapproved it.

Ratcha said:

- Give the privileges to approve to those who has been active regularly and has good amount of posts. Probably asks said user before if they will have time to do the approve.

I think this might be a moot point now, as Fred went out of his way to promote 5 users yesterday, all of whom were given approval privileges. This brings the number to 10 approvers now (or... 9, since keyda never approves anything), so it's more likely every post will be reviewed by at least one of them.

Ratcha said:

- Make an upvotes system like in most subreddit for post that are not approved, maybe make the buttons bigger and change the 'This post has not been approved' banner to 'Upvote if you think this post belong to the site' but takes this as a grain of salt as I rarely use Reddit.

I really don't like this idea, mainly because in my experience with using that site most users on Reddit don't use that system to upvote "relevant" content and downvote "irrelevant" content as it was designed for. It's frequently used in most subreddits as a popularity system to upvote agreed upon thoughts, comments, and general statements about something and disagreement/dissent is buried. It's the side effect of many subreddits admittedly becoming very insular echo-chamers, but I feel like it would be too ripe for abuse.

Ratcha said:

- Allow approver to approve deleted posts (if thats possible) since most of them are just expired because approvers didn't have time, you can make a new status to 'expired' or something so that it is separated from the deleted pile.

Approvers already have this ability. They can delete, undelete, ban, and unban posts, I believe. You would have to go through the deleted posts and go undelete whatever ones are desired, and I've done so on occasion.

Fujiwara_no_Mokou said:

Anyway, I don't think anyone had said the approval system didn't have bias; it does. People have biases about everything, and the same goes for looking at pictures and deciding which ones you like. I feel like the only real objective metric to disapprove a post is if it breaks the rules (except if it's maybe "borderline" and I don't know for sure.)

This is where I get a bit confused. I'll use two examples:

1. post #4744
This Dogvahkiin post, by any objective standard, is of the exact same quality as the rest of their "painting" images. You might not like it in particular (and neither do I), but if the rest of the posts are acceptable, then this one should be, as well.

2. post #2292
No offense to the creator, but this weird centaur nightmare can safely be described as garbage tier.

My point is that there are ways of analyzing these things that are more involved than personal preference.

redjoe23 said:
1. post #4744
This Dogvahkiin post, by any objective standard, is of the exact same quality as the rest of their "painting" images. You might not like it in particular (and neither do I), but if the rest of the posts are acceptable, then this one should be, as well.

You're focusing on their "standard" of quality, but it's not the only factor that goes into approving a post.

This argument could be made to justify having post #3775 be approved because there are 3 images in this type of style that were approved at some point. Novelai is not good at doing a pixel art style, for the most part. It could be said to be an expected outcome for it to be like this, but they were too low quality to stay and the only ones that are still active were either cleaned up, or the generator had better luck getting something that didn't look near incomprehensible.

Posts are judged and approved on a case-by-case basis. It may seem like a ambiguous answer, but personal preference is the main factor.

With the example of that specific artist, I've approved 4 posts generated by them (post #4634, post #4635, post #4644, and post #4645) in the past. That specific image you are talking about was reviewed by only one approver at the time, which was me. I simply didn't like it. I didn't take their standard image quality into consideration because it was the content of the image itself that I didn't like. Anyway, no one else reviewed it during it's time in the queue, so it was deleted as usual.

Should I have approved the image despite not liking it?

redjoe23 said:
2. post #2292
No offense to the creator, but this weird centaur nightmare can safely be described as garbage tier.

My point is that there are ways of analyzing these things that are more involved than personal preference.

I really don't think this is a good example to use.

It never made it to the 72-hour point (it actually didn't even last an hour in the queue) and was deleted about a half hour after upload by an admin for being too low quality. It doesn't really take personal preference to see that that image was bad, but that goes back to what I was getting at about the "objective" ways in which a post can be disapproved/deleted.

Poor quality can be subjective, depending on what aspect of the quality you're pointing out. It can also be objective in various ways (like being poorly resized, just being bad, or having any other number of issues.)

Breaking the rules is obvious, and I've disapproved (and deleted a couple) posts for either outright breaking the rules or because I believed they did. Other approvers can make the decision too.

redjoe23 said:

My point is that there are ways of analyzing these things that are more involved than personal preference.

That is correct. Personal preference isn't the only factor. It's the main one, though.

exLight said:

On another note, anyone can still see "deleted" posts Here, maybe people would take it better if it was called something else like "unapproved" as the term deleted can make people assume it has been removed from the site completely.

In fact, you can choose the option to simply see deleted posts with everything else. The only difference will be when using a PC, they'll have a grey border around the thumbnail.

Talulah said:
It's for quality control. The idea is only users who have shown themselves to have a good track record of uploads/likes will be promoted, and thus those users are the most likely to only approve good content.

This is a must for giving someone the ability to bypass the queue. However to approve posts, I'd say a low percentage of deleted posts is acceptable, so long as the deleted posts are just 'I don't care for it' rejections and not 'low quality/rule breaking' posts.

Additionally, I'd point out that as a cutting edge tech, we don't want to encourage people to play it too safe when creating AI art. To me the whole medium is about unbridled creativity, within limits of course.

Another thing about it, is that people that don't normally get catered to with real artists get to have stuff made for them, so we're likely to get a lot of niche but not immoral fetishes that are high quality but just things that only a few people like. Granted again that issue might disappear with enough and diverse approvers too.

If you can be trusted to approve posts you should also be trusted to bypass the queue. It doesn't make any sense to tell users they're competent enough to approve others' posts but their own still have to go through the queue.

- Make an upvotes system like in most subreddit for post that are not approved, maybe make the buttons bigger and change the 'This post has not been approved' banner to 'Upvote if you think this post belong to the site' but takes this as a grain of salt as I rarely use Reddit

I really don't like this idea because a lot of art is legit but just doesn't have a lot of fans. A point I raised above is that AI art lets people that aren't normally catered to by artists have art too, and you don't want to drown out all the niche but harmless themes that you'll get from people just trying to have as much art as the mainstream fetishes do :p

Though I also forgot to note something I don't think anyone else has mentioned. You can appeal other people's images. If you see an image in deleted that you think really shouldn't be there, go ahead and appeal it. I appealed someone else's the other day because I noticed no one had looked at it during it's first 3-day trip.

Fujiwara_no_Mokou said:

Nope, I don't think it does. It's a petite girl but doesn't look like a child.
Took the tag off.

Thank you.
That being said I think normal members shouldn't be able to assign certain tags that can take down images because then anyone can just go rogue and assign that tag to everything to delete them.

Potate said:

Thank you.
That being said I think normal members shouldn't be able to assign certain tags that can take down images because then anyone can just go rogue and assign that tag to everything to delete them.

I would agree more if it were a more frequently used tag, which it really isn't. AIBooru currently just hit 7,500 uploads. Realistic loli is currently tagged on 31 posts. If it did become a big issue, there are two admins so they'd be able to take care of any needed banning. Additionally, Approvers and above can see images with level-blocked tags like that, so any undoing shouldn't be a problem since I think it would be rather obvious whether something didn't fit.

I will say that the tag being added initially was probably the result of a mistake. The upload in question has a realistic style and it had been tagged loli, so it likely led them to adding realistic loli.

So from what I'm gathering, there's not a lot of approvers at the moment and that may result in a lot of unapproved content? Should I worry about that and do appeals for unapproved content once the team is increased or not worry about it?

MassBrainImpact said:

So from what I'm gathering, there's not a lot of approvers at the moment and that may result in a lot of unapproved content? Should I worry about that and do appeals for unapproved content once the team is increased or not worry about it?

Eh, maybe...? You can see the full list of any user that can approve posts here. There's currently 11 users with that ability (not counting DanbooruBot.) Also, looking at post approvals for the last month you can see that some of them aren't as active or just don't approve as much as others.

The main reason a post will not get approved is if no one who reviewed it liked it enough to do so (barring it breaking rules or being bad quality), but if any upload of yours gets deleted then you're free to appeal it. Appealing will always be a gamble though, but it just takes one person to like it to be approved so...


koakumabr said:

post #8896

I don't see why it got unapproved

Personally, I don't find the stark colors of the character that pleasing here. Another issue I have with the image is the sunflower in the background. Normally, sunflowers are round, but here it is more of an ellipse. It could be a stylistic, abstract-style choice, but I find it very hard to wrap my head around.

Lyren said:

Personally, I don't find the stark colors of the character that pleasing here. Another issue I have with the image is the sunflower in the background. Normally, sunflowers are round, but here it is more of an ellipse. It could be a stylistic, abstract-style choice, but I find it very hard to wrap my head around.

I think this non-round sunflower comes from the synmetry from the background itself (that mirrors behind Yuuka), and became splitted in two eliptic halves

Seeing the amount of concerns regarding this and seeing this for myself - I question what is the point of using this site and spending the time to upload and enter in tags for naught? If all it is is a handful (3-4?) of active approvers (of ~11) which will be highly biased on approvals for whatever the reason -

ie quoted comment from approver - "It might just be me, but the fact that the sharp object that looks like a tower is overlapping with the hand makes the whole image look as if the girl could be a giant, and I find that very intriguing." (on an image with a deformed hand mind you)

For that to seemingly be the reason 1 out of 13 uploads (all of the same quality if not better) was approved while the others were disregarded via 'disinterest' from "hidden" approver - I see little reason to be involved with and upload to this site seeing everyone else experiencing similar concerns with all the locked threads, cherry picked images on the homepage, etc.

I can see the pov of a larger site with many many approvers all geared toward quality and a variety of types/styles/tags what have you - but currently the system plain doesn't work in my opinion and from what I'm seeing. 1-2 active approvers will just cherry pick and cruise through uploads with their personal tastes alone. Exlight's first post in this thread relates to what I'm getting at as well.

Ocean3 said:

For that to seemingly be the reason 1 out of 13 uploads (all of the same quality if not better) was approved while the others were disregarded via 'disinterest' from "hidden" approver

It's advisable to post here only if your posts are getting deleted. It's been only few hours since you posted your images, and in that time, 0 approvers have checked 8 of the posts, and only 1 has checked the rest. There are some approvers that only check the queue from bottom to top, meaning they approve posts more often from the 2-3 day mark instead of the recent ones.

Ocean3 said:

ie quoted comment from approver - "It might just be me, but the fact that the sharp object that looks like a tower is overlapping with the hand makes the whole image look as if the girl could be a giant, and I find that very intriguing." (on an image with a deformed hand mind you)

So far I have approved 338 posts and that was the first positive comment I have sent to a post. I might be picky, but not that picky. There are some things though that most often make me hit the disinterest button very quickly like bad hands, even lesser so.

As one example I can give you is post #10330, which I did not approve since I am not too fond of her left hand, the thumb looks too thick.

lvlln said:

Hi, can I get clarification on why post #9973 wasn't approved?

It feels like a mixture of styles mashed into one with no consistency across the image. The faces feel like flat color style, whereas parts like the hair and the kimonos are normal. Same with outlining, Fujino has stronger outlines than average, and the rest of the image is mostly in no lineart style, which feels very uncanny, especially in Azaka's facial/head area.

Lyren said:

It's advisable to post here only if your posts are getting deleted. It's been only few hours since you posted your images, and in that time, 0 approvers have checked 8 of the posts, and only 1 has checked the rest. There are some approvers that only check the queue from bottom to top, meaning they approve posts more often from the 2-3 day mark instead of the recent ones.

So far I have approved 338 posts and that was the first positive comment I have sent to a post. I might be picky, but not that picky. There are some things though that most often make me hit the disinterest button very quickly like bad hands, even lesser so.

As one example I can give you is post #10330, which I did not approve since I am not too fond of her left hand, the thumb looks too thick.

You're right - still pretty freshly posted and a bit new still. Thought to address my concerns here in the main thread though. Apologies for jumping the gun in that regard. If you guys need more approvers, feel free to let people know though ๐Ÿ‘

Also, your comment on that one post was interesting, didn't mind it at all - only brought it up here for referencing.

Lyren said:

It feels like a mixture of styles mashed into one with no consistency across the image. The faces feel like flat color style, whereas parts like the hair and the kimonos are normal. Same with outlining, Fujino has stronger outlines than average, and the rest of the image is mostly in no lineart style, which feels very uncanny, especially in Azaka's facial/head area.

Thank you for the clarification. I did not realize that AIbooru had a stylistic consistency requirement for the images. I'll keep that in mind going forward for future uploads.

lvlln said:

Thank you for the clarification. I did not realize that AIbooru had a stylistic consistency requirement for the images. I'll keep that in mind going forward for future uploads.

There is no requirement, this is just my personal view of it. Approvers are told to approve the posts they personally like, and these my own reasonings for not liking the post; other approvers might have different reasons.

Lyren said:

There is no requirement, this is just my personal view of it. Approvers are told to approve the posts they personally like, and these my own reasonings for not liking the post; other approvers might have different reasons.

I see, thanks for the further clarification. I admit I didn't know much about how Boorus work and mistakenly thought that they were general repositories rather than curated collections. I'll keep that in mind going forward.

lvlln said:

I see, thanks for the further clarification. I admit I didn't know much about how Boorus work and mistakenly thought that they were general repositories rather than curated collections. I'll keep that in mind going forward.

Some do operate more as general repositories, but most I've visited usually are curated to some degree.

Hello, this is my first post in this site.
I have a question about how to submit an image.

I recently submitted two similar images. (post #11715) was approved, while (post #11716) was not approved.
I would NOT like to ask why (post #11716) was disapproved. Rather, I was impressed to notice from Approver's message that the review process was much more detailed and thorough than I had expected.
I appreciate the administrators and approvers of this site.
And thank you @Lyren and @fredgido for liking my illustrations. I hope to submit more improved illustrations next time.

However, the fact that (post #11715) was approved and (post #11716) was not, made me have one question. The two images I created are quite similar. I feel that it is more proper etiquette to focus on one of the best images before uploading it. But, I could not decide which one was better, so I ended up uploading both. I preferred (post #11716), but in fact (post #11715) was approved.

This made me think, "If I limit them to one image, it might not get approved. I should upload 2-4 similar images".

What should I do when I have created several similar images and it is difficult to determine which image is best?
Should I choice only one image by myself? Or can I continue to upload multiple similar images as before?

Furthermore, if possible, I would appreciate your suggestions on how to improve my illustrations to your liking.

Where do you even see a message from approver/disapproved? For people who are trying to get better no feedback at all especially when people have upvoted or hearted an image for it to get deleted seems weird? Also by default almost all the images people see are pending which doesn't teach users what type of content is actually expected by the approvers. Especially when we are not trying to spam a bunch of low quality images, but lose upload slots to deletion with zero feedback. I think there are some misconceptions about why people are coming here. They are coming here because they want a NSFW version of lexica that lets them see what prompts are working but it seems like the site wants to be more of a "high quality gallery of mostly NSFW AI generated art" which is a very different purpose

x_u said:

Hello, this is my first post in this site.
I have a question about how to submit an image.

I recently submitted two similar images. (post #11715) was approved, while (post #11716) was not approved.
I would NOT like to ask why (post #11716) was disapproved. Rather, I was impressed to notice from Approver's message that the review process was much more detailed and thorough than I had expected.
I appreciate the administrators and approvers of this site.
And thank you @Lyren and @fredgido for liking my illustrations. I hope to submit more improved illustrations next time.

However, the fact that (post #11715) was approved and (post #11716) was not, made me have one question. The two images I created are quite similar. I feel that it is more proper etiquette to focus on one of the best images before uploading it. But, I could not decide which one was better, so I ended up uploading both. I preferred (post #11716), but in fact (post #11715) was approved.

This made me think, "If I limit them to one image, it might not get approved. I should upload 2-4 similar images".

What should I do when I have created several similar images and it is difficult to determine which image is best?
Should I choice only one image by myself? Or can I continue to upload multiple similar images as before?

Furthermore, if possible, I would appreciate your suggestions on how to improve my illustrations to your liking.

I can't speak for everyone but when I see a group of very similar images I usually approve only the one I like the most. I don't mind if another approver approves the other ones of course. In case of your posts I'd say the disapproved one had some issues with the eyes of both characters and in the space between males right arm and girls left leg. My assumption is that when someone saw both of them, they decided that there is no need to have both on the site. But as I said, that's just my opinion and guess.

Jaynen said:

Where do you even see a message from approver/disapproved? For people who are trying to get better no feedback at all especially when people have upvoted or hearted an image for it to get deleted seems weird? Also by default almost all the images people see are pending which doesn't teach users what type of content is actually expected by the approvers. Especially when we are not trying to spam a bunch of low quality images, but lose upload slots to deletion with zero feedback. I think there are some misconceptions about why people are coming here. They are coming here because they want a NSFW version of lexica that lets them see what prompts are working but it seems like the site wants to be more of a "high quality gallery of mostly NSFW AI generated art" which is a very different purpose

If there is a message it is shown alongside the "This post is pending approval." message. It's also displayed in the moderation history of each post (one of the links below tags). Approvers are checking images voluntarily and many of us don't have enough time to describe the reason why we didn't approve each of the images. In my case I didn't approve your deleted images because I personally dislike images depicting sex. So I simply clicked "disinterest" and left them to other approvers. In case of post #11951 the eyes looked too realistic with the mostly flat shading of the face. Again personal preference.

Each of the approvers have their own style they like to see and if your images don't fit into any of these categories you're sadly out of luck. Is this system good or optimal? I don't know. There are things that I'd like to post here but can't because of the rules too.

I think that everyone comes to the site for different reasons. I for example come mostly to share my images and prompts and to check what others were able to create. If you want only images with prompts, filter for has:prompt. You can also search order:rank if you want to see the images that are currently trending instead of the latest ones.

antlers_anon said:

I can't speak for everyone but when I see a group of very similar images I usually approve only the one I like the most. I don't mind if another approver approves the other ones of course. In case of your posts I'd say the disapproved one had some issues with the eyes of both characters and in the space between males right arm and girls left leg. My assumption is that when someone saw both of them, they decided that there is no need to have both on the site. But as I said, that's just my opinion and guess.

If there is a message it is shown alongside the "This post is pending approval." message. It's also displayed in the moderation history of each post (one of the links below tags). Approvers are checking images voluntarily and many of us don't have enough time to describe the reason why we didn't approve each of the images. In my case I didn't approve your deleted images because I personally dislike images depicting sex. So I simply clicked "disinterest" and left them to other approvers. In case of post #11951 the eyes looked too realistic with the mostly flat shading of the face. Again personal preference.

Each of the approvers have their own style they like to see and if your images don't fit into any of these categories you're sadly out of luck. Is this system good or optimal? I don't know. There are things that I'd like to post here but can't because of the rules too.

I think that everyone comes to the site for different reasons. I for example come mostly to share my images and prompts and to check what others were able to create. If you want only images with prompts, filter for has:prompt. You can also search order:rank if you want to see the images that are currently trending instead of the latest ones.

But order rank has tons of images that are pending, and which may be deleted for arbitrary reasons of someone for example like you who simply doesn't like sex. I think the site needs to make their site goals more clear in the text provided to users in the upload. The issue is right now based on site rules don't set people up for success. We have no idea how to meet the expectations of the site its essentially random and it doesn't matter how many "users" of the site have actually upvoted something.

Jaynen said:

But order rank has tons of images that are pending, and which may be deleted for arbitrary reasons of someone for example like you who simply doesn't like sex. I think the site needs to make their site goals more clear in the text provided to users in the upload. The issue is right now based on site rules don't set people up for success. We have no idea how to meet the expectations of the site its essentially random and it doesn't matter how many "users" of the site have actually upvoted something.

Posts aren't deleted because someone dislikes them (unless they brake the rules). It takes only one approver to approve a post no matter how many others didn't like it or were not interdsted. I do agree though that a clarification on what should be posted would be nice but I don't know what should be written there.
Based on what I saw and what I approved or not I'd say that bad anatomy and inconsistent/messy style are the biggest problems. But that's only my opinion.

antlers_anon said:

Posts aren't deleted because someone dislikes them (unless they brake the rules). It takes only one approver to approve a post no matter how many others didn't like it or were not interdsted. I do agree though that a clarification on what should be posted would be nice but I don't know what should be written there.
Based on what I saw and what I approved or not I'd say that bad anatomy and inconsistent/messy style are the biggest problems. But that's only my opinion.

But 3 days going by where 4 people didn't happen to like your post means it gets deleted. And then if you get multiple deletions your upload cap goes lower and lower. And the very same image might have been liked by multiple users just not "reviewers". But people have no idea how to "please the judges". I don't think its the fault of the reviewers but its extremely biased based on perspectives that are not communicated to the submitter. As far as I am aware there is not even a way to see the images that recently were approved vs deleted so you could say "Oh I see most of the approved ones did X"

Jaynen said:

But 3 days going by where 4 people didn't happen to like your post means it gets deleted. And then if you get multiple deletions your upload cap goes lower and lower. And the very same image might have been liked by multiple users just not "reviewers". But people have no idea how to "please the judges". I don't think its the fault of the reviewers but its extremely biased based on perspectives that are not communicated to the submitter. As far as I am aware there is not even a way to see the images that recently were approved vs deleted so you could say "Oh I see most of the approved ones did X"

Sadly, I don't have a solution to this. Maybe someone else will but I doubt it because it was already discussed on the forum.
If you want to see what was recently approved or deleted check status:active and status:deleted

antlers_anon said:

Sadly, I don't have a solution to this. Maybe someone else will but I doubt it because it was already discussed on the forum.
If you want to see what was recently approved or deleted check status:active and status:deleted

I mean it just seems like people will get frustrated and then leave and you won't develop a community you will just churn through lots of people who will all be new and "not learn the rules" Ill just delete my account and go find a more welcoming community to try to get better/share?

x_u said:

Hello, this is my first post in this site.
I have a question about how to submit an image.

I recently submitted two similar images. (post #11715) was approved, while (post #11716) was not approved.
I would NOT like to ask why (post #11716) was disapproved. Rather, I was impressed to notice from Approver's message that the review process was much more detailed and thorough than I had expected.
I appreciate the administrators and approvers of this site.
And thank you @Lyren and @fredgido for liking my illustrations. I hope to submit more improved illustrations next time.

However, the fact that (post #11715) was approved and (post #11716) was not, made me have one question. The two images I created are quite similar. I feel that it is more proper etiquette to focus on one of the best images before uploading it. But, I could not decide which one was better, so I ended up uploading both. I preferred (post #11716), but in fact (post #11715) was approved.

This made me think, "If I limit them to one image, it might not get approved. I should upload 2-4 similar images".

What should I do when I have created several similar images and it is difficult to determine which image is best?
Should I choice only one image by myself? Or can I continue to upload multiple similar images as before?

Furthermore, if possible, I would appreciate your suggestions on how to improve my illustrations to your liking.

Personally, I do approve variations if they are all good. From your posts, for instance, a good example is that I approved both post #8365 & post #8361 in the past. It's just that if the pair/group has an image that is worse in a lot of sections (whether it comes to taste or errors), such as post #11521 being the only one on the set getting deleted due to errors. But if every image is pleasing one in one way or another, they might all be approved such as post #9102 and its parents.

It goes without saying of course, that there is a limit to how many variations one image could have without it feeling like spam.

antlers_anon said:

I can't speak for everyone but when I see a group of very similar images I usually approve only the one I like the most. I don't mind if another approver approves the other ones of course. In case of your posts I'd say the disapproved one had some issues with the eyes of both characters and in the space between males right arm and girls left leg. My assumption is that when someone saw both of them, they decided that there is no need to have both on the site. But as I said, that's just my opinion and guess.

Sorry for the late reply, thanks for the advice. You are right, I too think it is sufficient if one of the several images is approved. (Of course, I would be more than happy if both were approved)
Your advice made me notice there was still a problem with the girl's left leg. My corrective work was insufficient. On the other hand, I felt no problem with the boy's eye, because I thought it was a natural design for a Faceless male, which is often seen in NSFW illustrations. However, I suppose it is inevitable that there will be some differences in favorite style between Uploader and Approver. Probably you don't like my illustration depicting sex, but you commented properly about post #11716. Thanks for your thoughtful response. I will try to draw the boy's face properly next time.

Lyren said:

Personally, I do approve variations if they are all good. From your posts, for instance, a good example is that I approved both post #8365 & post #8361 in the past. It's just that if the pair/group has an image that is worse in a lot of sections (whether it comes to taste or errors), such as post #11521 being the only one on the set getting deleted due to errors. But if every image is pleasing one in one way or another, they might all be approved such as post #9102 and its parents.

It goes without saying of course, that there is a limit to how many variations one image could have without it feeling like spam.

Thanks for your comment!ใ€€I was especially interested in your opinion.
I forgot that there was a case where two similar images were both approved. I think when I submit similar images, it is no more than 4 at most, it is hard to prepare a lot of diffs with image2image.
ใ€€So, it is a little bit painful, but I think I will post 2 or 3 similar images in the future. I'll try to improve the illustrations so that people won't think I'm spamming. It's time to consider models other than NovelAI.

Once again, thank you for your kind advice. I trust your thoughtful reviews. Next time I'll post an illustration to your liking, maybe.

Hello! I'm a bit confused about what kind of images people are looking for on this booru. Is it being held up to Danbooru level scrutiny? And does the community voting not do anything for getting it approved? I ask because post #11594 had higher votes than some of my other posts. Does img2img put a bad taste in people's mouths versus just generating with ai only? I'm not sure why post #12402 got deleted. I just wish that the approvers would give some criticisms on how to improve it so I can try to get more of my posts approved.

Also, what does it take to become a builder/approver? I've not been the most active but I spend quite a bit of time here tagging.

FriddleDeeDoo said:

Also, what does it take to become a builder/approver? I've not been the most active but I spend quite a bit of time here tagging.

I got promoted to Builder recently. I can't comment on what exactly went into the decision, but I can tell you other things I had been doing leading up to it:

  • Creating/editing wikis
  • Adding/removing tags from posts to conform to the now-clarified wikis
  • Requesting good alias/implications where needed
  • Chatting on the discord (we discuss these types of issues there)

But I can promise you that making Builder is not gonna earn you any special treatment by the approvers. Half my stuff still gets canned ๐Ÿ˜…

FriddleDeeDoo said:

Hello! I'm a bit confused about what kind of images people are looking for on this booru. Is it being held up to Danbooru level scrutiny? And does the community voting not do anything for getting it approved? I ask because post #11594 had higher votes than some of my other posts. Does img2img put a bad taste in people's mouths versus just generating with ai only? I'm not sure why post #12402 got deleted. I just wish that the approvers would give some criticisms on how to improve it so I can try to get more of my posts approved.

Some of the community came from Danbooru yes, so the approval system is quite similar to theirs. Community votes & favourites have no impact on an approval. As far as I am aware, none of the approvers looks bad upon img2img.

post #11594 might've been partly marked as disinterest due to shota not being to everyone's taste. Also, the hands of both characters seem to blend and merge with the clothing and the boy's arms blend with the girl's hands.

post #12402 It's hard to say for sure, it's just off-putting. The angle feels distorted and the face feels flat compared to the rest of the composition.

FriddleDeeDoo said:

Also, what does it take to become a builder/approver? I've not been the most active but I spend quite a bit of time here tagging.

topic #104 has quite a few pointers towards that, but tl;dr version of it is what redjoe said + tag gardening & uploading images.

MalOMaw said:

Is it because of the face? Works looks worth it

It was well received by furries.
post #13737

Sometimes simple background like this can be enough, but sometimes it feels bland, like in this image. The right leg/foot feels wonky. Other than that, 100% (4 out of 4) of the furry_male is:nsfw status:any are currently deleted, which might be a big factor in it. There are simply not many approvers currently who prefer that stuff I presume.

amagaeru said:

Past post #14413 and post #12031 received negative scores.
Are there any issues that make you feel bad or are against the rules?

It seems like recently a lot of people have -1 from at least one person (most often only 1 negative), and I suspect it might be the same reason, however, I cannot confirm that since I can't see who puts up negative scores. So with that being said, personally I don't see any flaws within these images, so that comes down to two options: There is a troll going around, or simply a person who uses downvote simply as "I don't like it so I downvote, that's what downvote is for" kind of thinking.

Lyren said:

It seems like recently a lot of people have -1 from at least one person (most often only 1 negative), and I suspect it might be the same reason, however, I cannot confirm that since I can't see who puts up negative scores. So with that being said, personally I don't see any flaws within these images, so that comes down to two options: There is a troll going around, or simply a person who uses downvote simply as "I don't like it so I downvote, that's what downvote is for" kind of thinking.

Thanks for your comment!
I will try to post something that will get a positive response.

amagaeru said:

Thanks for your comment!
I will try to post something that will get a positive response.

I also noticed down-votes in recent posts of mine without a clear indication as to why. I figured the same as what Lyren mentioned. Either just spamming or there are small bits in the image they either don't like or could be fixed/better (and/or the overall composition). Unknown, but I'm replying to your post to back up what Lryen said about the same thing happening recently.

Lyren said:

amagaeru said:

Past post #14413 and post #12031 received negative scores.
Are there any issues that make you feel bad or are against the rules?

It seems like recently a lot of people have -1 from at least one person (most often only 1 negative), and I suspect it might be the same reason, however, I cannot confirm that since I can't see who puts up negative scores. So with that being said, personally I don't see any flaws within these images, so that comes down to two options: There is a troll going around, or simply a person who uses downvote simply as "I don't like it so I downvote, that's what downvote is for" kind of thinking.

These two were downvoted by different users.

Ocean3 said:

I also noticed down-votes in recent posts of mine without a clear indication as to why. I figured the same as what Lyren mentioned. Either just spamming or there are small bits in the image they either don't like or could be fixed/better (and/or the overall composition). Unknown, but I'm replying to your post to back up what Lryen said about the same thing happening recently.

Thanks for your comment.
I guess everyone has their own preferences.
I will try to make a good post.

Okay, heres the problem of "I don't want to ask users to approve things they don't like just because they're technically good". Four users liked the art, and two of them added it to their favorites. In the end, the art was rejected simply because the four updaters who saw it didn't like it enough to click one button. I literally spent 2 days of my life trying to get sd to draw what I want and how I want it. I can't even count how many times I photoshopped it and sent it to img2img. I understood when a few of my works were rejected because of a bad upscale (my mistake), but not here -_-
post #14717

can someone just.. approve it? :D


HeroineGirls2020 said:

What This appeal button?

There's an "Appeal" button in the sidebar of posts under "Options". You can use it to send the post back to the moderation queue to be looked at by approvers.

amagaeru said:

If it's not too much trouble, could you please tell me what is wrong with post #17691 (caution: Rating:e) ?
Is the male torso too long? Or is the female breasts too large?
I would like to know for next post.

I don't see any problem. It has not been denied approval. It just hasn't been approved yet. And I predict it will be, as it looks like a pretty good image. Good hands and multiple characters (who aren't twins) are a bonus. I've had pics sit for a few days before getting the green light.

redjoe23 said:

I don't see any problem. It has not been denied approval. It just hasn't been approved yet. And I predict it will be, as it looks like a pretty good image. Good hands and multiple characters (who aren't twins) are a bonus. I've had pics sit for a few days before getting the green light.

Thanks for your reply.
I will wait for approval.

Can I get feedback on post #18324? I believe it is one of the best gens I've done and my first real attempt at inpaiting to get all the details right. Some of the other self uploads I've done I believe were lower quality yet approved so I'm wondering what has changed and what I should aim for in the future. Thanks.

azreturned said:

Can I get feedback on post #18324? I believe it is one of the best gens I've done and my first real attempt at inpaiting to get all the details right. Some of the other self uploads I've done I believe were lower quality yet approved so I'm wondering what has changed and what I should aim for in the future. Thanks.

Sorry for a late-ish reply. I looked at the post and I can found a couple reasons it may not have been approved.

  • The hands (especially the right one) doesn't look very good. It's a bit messy and her ring finer looks like it's split, making her have six, inconsistently sized fingers.
  • The hair on her right side, near the shoulder doesn't look right either.
  • Both of her irises look different; The left iris looks relatively average and has a "shine", but the right one looks more "flat" and messy and doesn't have the same "shine" on it.

Most of the issues are relatively small and could be fixed with more inpainting, but I see (and give) disapprovals for small things like that for being "off" or looking too weird.

SpectralSprites said:


Just looking for some feedback on why post #18921 wasn't approved?


Both hands on the left girl are horrible. The left hand is merging with the hair, the right hand has 6 fingers and otherwise weird fingers on top of that.

The image has a tiny resolution which generally makes a lot of images meh at least for my monitor. The picture feels crunchy, I don't know if it's because of the small resolution, but if you zoom it, it feels like it has a lot of artefacts.

These eyes are all over the place as well (mainly the left girl and the middle girl). The blue-haired girl has some hair around her neck, which doesn't really make sense the way I see it. Her nipple seems to be missing as well. On top of her weird eyes of hers, her nose looks like animal_nose but on human skin which is.. uncanny.

The bottom left of the background seems a bit off but that's not as big of an issue compared to the rest.

Could you explain why post #11709 was resurrected multiple times after being initially unapproved and then deleted for having a rather low resolution and slightly blurry (low quality) composition? I heard a new rule about not being able to request own posts to be deleted is now in place, but does that excuse the resurrection of a post that was meant to be deleted from the start? Why was it resurrected twice and kept in place even now? You have a few posts outside my radius being unapproved for valid reasons, yet this one is kept approved. Seems unfair, really.

ertajla said:

Could you explain why post #11709 was resurrected multiple times after being initially unapproved and then deleted for having a rather low resolution and slightly blurry (low quality) composition? I heard a new rule about not being able to request own posts to be deleted is now in place, but does that excuse the resurrection of a post that was meant to be deleted from the start? Why was it resurrected twice and kept in place even now? You have a few posts outside my radius being unapproved for valid reasons, yet this one is kept approved. Seems unfair, really.

I don't have a reason to offer other than one of the approvers liked it and re-approved it again.

Even though it still happens sometimes, I've been told that posts should only be deleted for breaking the rules, not because an uploader requested it.

ANJU said:

I don't have a reason to offer other than one of the approvers liked it and re-approved it again.

Even though it still happens sometimes, I've been told that posts should only be deleted for breaking the rules, not because an uploader requested it.

Actually, one of the approvers had to re-approve it because it was manually requested to be deleted by me, and Tallulah did say that self-deletion requests are not a thing anymore, so they (the approver) had no choice but to re-approve it. It's still very unfair that something like this is kept approved while other similar low quality ones get taken down.

ertajla said:

Actually, one of the approvers had to re-approve it because it was manually requested to be deleted by me, and Tallulah did say that self-deletion requests are not a thing anymore, so they (the approver) had no choice but to re-approve it. It's still very unfair that something like this is kept approved while other similar low quality ones get taken down.

To add insult to injury, when it was originally unapproved, it later went into my deleted section automatically (3 days), and then about a month later got resurrected because one approved DID actually like it enough, despite them actually disliking the overall composition and alike. I did ask them why they did that, and this was the reason. I then requested it to be manually deleted, and later they did so. Not too long after, it was re-approved by a Moderator because self-deleted posts are not allowed anymore, but couldn't they just put it in unapproved section and let it delete by natural cause?

ertajla said:

Could you explain why post #11709 was resurrected multiple times after being initially unapproved and then deleted for having a rather low resolution and slightly blurry (low quality) composition? I heard a new rule about not being able to request own posts to be deleted is now in place, but does that excuse the resurrection of a post that was meant to be deleted from the start? Why was it resurrected twice and kept in place even now? You have a few posts outside my radius being unapproved for valid reasons, yet this one is kept approved. Seems unfair, really.

Deletion reason is hidden in a menu and approvers some times don't notice it was deleted on purpose.

fredgido said:

Deletion reason is hidden in a menu and approvers some times don't notice it was deleted on purpose.

It wasn't originally deleted on 'purpose'. Originally deleted itself after being unapproved for 3 days. Second time was manually requested.

fredgido said:

Deletion reason is hidden in a menu and approvers some times don't notice it was deleted on purpose.

That's not true, though. Deletion reason should always show up right above the image. Unless someone just skipped it over, or they have this in custom CSS:

div#c-posts {
  display: none;


I'd like to have some feedback/advice as to why these two posts have been deleted:
post #21320
post #19196

For the first one, I think it's because of the hand but I don't think it's enough to judge the post completely unworthy, then again perhaps I'm mistaken. For the second one, I see no real issue, but again, perhaps I'm missing something?

First one has been reviewed by 4 people who didn't like it. Second one was disliked by two people, and it makes me wonder if there is something I missed, or if I'm underestimating the ugliness of the imperfections.

Thanks in advance for your answers!

zileans said:


I'd like to have some feedback/advice as to why these two posts have been deleted:
post #21320
post #19196

For the first one, I think it's because of the hand but I don't think it's enough to judge the post completely unworthy, then again perhaps I'm mistaken. For the second one, I see no real issue, but again, perhaps I'm missing something?

First one has been reviewed by 4 people who didn't like it. Second one was disliked by two people, and it makes me wonder if there is something I missed, or if I'm underestimating the ugliness of the imperfections.

Thanks in advance for your answers!

For me the biggest problem is that the face seems to not match the rest of the image. And in the second image eyes seem to interact with the hair in a weird way. Overall the quality of the images is rather high so maybe it's the fault of face restoration? I'm just guessing because I don't use it so I don't really know how it looks and I might be completely wrong.

Now that you mention it I might have been using face restoration for those two pictures. I'll try and re-generate those images without that, see how it goes.
You are also saying that the image quality is rather high. Is it fit for the site's standards?

By the way I forgot about this post too which has been deleted because approvers did not like it. To be honest I don't see a lot of issues with this one, but perhaps somebody could help me see the problem?

post #18590

I'm new here, so I have a few questions
Two of my posts (post #23788 and post #23790) were not approved within 3 days.
Do I understand correctly that if there is no inscription that the approvers have seen the post, it means that just non of them has seen it and there is a chance of recovery? And is it necessary to make an appeal in this case?

DeZert_42 said:

I'm new here, so I have a few questions
Two of my posts (post #23788 and post #23790) were not approved within 3 days.
Do I understand correctly that if there is no inscription that the approvers have seen the post, it means that just non of them has seen it and there is a chance of recovery? And is it necessary to make an appeal in this case?

That is true, no moderator had seen them yet. I approved them now. There are not that many active approvers as of now (and somedays none) so this can happen, although some moderators occasionally go through the deleted images and approve images from there. I'd say it's valid to appeal but recommended waiting a week or two before doing so, in case the approvers are less busy then.

DG19 said:

Hello. Can I have some information on why my post was deleted? Thanks.

The pupils are very different in size and look odd, especially since the other one is not that round.

CuauhtemocI5MAL said:

Is there a special reason behind the lack of approval for post #23351?

Small resolution, odd hand, unclear what he is holding, and also hard to describe but it doesn't just feel interesting; it could be the lighting of the image, or colors, but still, that's my subjective part about it.

zileans said:

can I have some insight on why this post has been deleted:
post #22624


Same concern as the other realistic image I talked about above: pupils. Also, fewer approvers here enjoy realistic images so it could be an adding factor to many of them getting deleted.

Kukar said:

ฤฑ posted wrong upscaled photo how can ฤฑ change?
post #22521

Post the image you want to replace it with in the AIBooru Discord and one of the moderators can do it.

zileans said:

Now that you mention it I might have been using face restoration for those two pictures. I'll try and re-generate those images without that, see how it goes.
You are also saying that the image quality is rather high. Is it fit for the site's standards?

By the way I forgot about this post too which has been deleted because approvers did not like it. To be honest I don't see a lot of issues with this one, but perhaps somebody could help me see the problem?

post #18590

Nothing wrong with this post that I can see, just general disinterest.

Some of my posts were deleted because they weren't approved. I can't see anything that was wrong with them and they fit perfectly in both quality and theme of the images posted here, can i upload them again to see if they are approved this time or is that against the rules? And if it is, what should I do?

I went through the last 2 months and approved everything I thought was fair.

@Follow I approved your post, Its a very good post.

@Azrog Your posts are low resolution straight novel AI without anything unique or discerning. Might approve but I don't want to encourage similar uploads.

DG19 said:

Hello. Can I have some information on why my post was deleted? Thanks.

I don't like this much realistic and anime unrelated.
I might approve some if I find it nice tho. Like this one.

zileans said:

can I have some insight on why this post has been deleted:
post #22624


Its harder for us to approve photorealistic regardless.

Jemnite said:

Can I ask why this was deleted?

post #25075

I quite like the rough line sketch effect.

In my case it was because on the back view it looks like she has weirdly placed nipples. Hands look like they are disappearing, it's not a big problem on this particular image but some approvers might have a problem with it.

antlers_anon said:

In my case it was because on the back view it looks like she has weirdly placed nipples. Hands look like they are disappearing, it's not a big problem on this particular image but some approvers might have a problem with it.

Yeah, that kinda stood out to me when I originally reviewed the image myself. I don't think it's a bad enough issue when I looked at it again.

ANJU said:

It's still within the approval window, but I could guess it's because both hands are messed up.

I actually didn't notice that until right after I made the post. I think we've definitely seen worse here, but do what you gotta do. Just has a lot of likes, so I guess a lot of other people aren't noticing it either.

ArgaiosYellow said:

Most of my posts were deleted and they didn't break any rules, I would like to ask you to reconsider and approve them

most were pictures of Nami from One Piece

I like them, approved all but one.

post #27613

Of the other two that Bajac posted, one has a six fingered hand and one has a texture that might be offputting to some but this one seems fine. I guess the breasts seem a bit squished but I've seen way worse get approved.

ParallelJollyfellow said:

So why this post #28010 got deleted?

Probably because it's censored.

etchna said:

post #28831
Are there any reasons this post wasn't approved apart from bad hands? Just curious so I can make my posts better.

Apart from the hands, the girl's feet seem to disappear after the point where the male's hands are grabbing. Otherwise it's a good image as evident by the high amount of upvotes. In a perfect world it would be also img2img upscaled but that's by no means necessary to get approved.

antlers_anon said:

Apart from the hands, the girl's feet seem to disappear after the point where the male's hands are grabbing. Otherwise it's a good image as evident by the high amount of upvotes. In a perfect world it would be also img2img upscaled but that's by no means necessary to get approved.

Okay, thanks!

tags said:

It is recommended that the site hide these types of images by default
post #28856
post #28857
post #28788

Threw the first two under a guro tag. Should blacklist by default.

GuileGaze said:

Can someone tell me what's wrong with post #28439? It wasn't initially accepted and also seems to somehow have also been denied during appeal.

The textural quality is really flat and the facial features are just really bland. I think people just didn't really find it appealing.

Jemnite said:
The textural quality is really flat and the facial features are just really bland. I think people just didn't really find it appealing.

So it wasn't accepted because I stylized the image? Would it have been accepted if I used the extremely generic AOM look? I don't know how you (not you specifically) can say that the image itself is low quality, which is what I thought the queue was supposed to be filtering out to begin with.

Sorry if I sound a bit aggressive, it's just annoying that images with very clear AI artifacting are getting accepted when an image where time and effort was put into fixing those mistakes wasn't.

GuileGaze said:

I don't know how you (not you specifically) can say that the image itself is low quality, which is what I thought the queue was supposed to be filtering out to begin with.

No one said it was low quality and I don't think it is. Looking at it myself, I just think it looks kind of bland mostly due to the skin not having a lot of contrast from the background. While I don't know what the other 3 approvers' reasons were for disapproving it specifically, I disapproved it because I didn't find it appealing personally.

The queue is supposed to filter out low quality/rule-breaking stuff, but approvers are encouraged to approve stuff they like or stuff they would consider uploading to the site themselves, I guess.

GuileGaze said:

Sorry if I sound a bit aggressive, it's just annoying that images with very clear AI artifacting are getting accepted when an image where time and effort was put into fixing those mistakes wasn't.

On this one, all I can say is it really depends who reviews any given upload. Some are a little more generous with stuff like that and others aren't. It's the partial folly of a system that relies on multiple people to judge stuff because everyone will almost always have different standards. I've disapproved stuff that was later approved anyway, so just because a post is approved doesn't mean every approver is supportive of it, it's just how things work.

I understand how you feel though and it's nothing personal.

Magicman98 said:

i have a doubt about this post #30651 in pixiv it had AI but i never saw that tag before is an legit tag

I'm sure it's an AI generated image.

The tag is legit too. According to it's wiki entry, it's a disambiguation item and going by the listed entries on it's page none of the other items would make sense for the context of that image except "AI Illustration."

Hey I have a doubt about tags I created with post #32009.
I used a pictures (gelbooru #6283709) of a character I tagged (Liliana) from the series I tagged (Wagaya No Liliana-San) by I modified her slightly (not the exact same color tone, more muscular, not the same style etc.).
I'm not sure if what I did was correct... Can you tell me please?

Nemz said:

Hey I have a doubt about tags I created with post #32009.
I used a pictures (gelbooru #6283709) of a character I tagged (Liliana) from the series I tagged (Wagaya No Liliana-San) by I modified her slightly (not the exact same color tone, more muscular, not the same style etc.).
I'm not sure if what I did was correct... Can you tell me please?

If your upload is only inspired from that image and is not supposed to be the same character exactly you could tag it original and derivative work.

TheSleeper said:

If I could get some feedback on post #32262 I'd also greatly appreciate it.
Last time I got the feedback that it was too low-res, so I upscaled it. I don't know why it was rejected this time around.

The image, especially the face, looks very blurry. That's part of the reason why the eyes and lines below the head also look very mushy. The eyes are also quite uneven which makes it look a bit derp.

antlers_anon said:

post #32046 โ€“ there's something weird happening around the eyes, some black beads with hair strands growing out of them.
post #31907 โ€“ was about to say that the hands are slightly off but not enough to be a huge problem, but I see that Nacho already approved it.

Ty. For the beads thing, I think thatโ€™s how the program did tears. I thought it looked OK, but that could just have been a case of knowing what the prompt was and filling in the gaps that the AI left. Think it should be a pretty simple rework.
Can I ask about post #32468 ? Iโ€™m guessing hands

Lyren said:

The image, especially the face, looks very blurry. That's part of the reason why the eyes and lines below the head also look very mushy. The eyes are also quite uneven which makes it look a bit derp.

Thanks. Unsure what to do now. I might need a different upscaler...

TheSleeper said:

Thanks. Unsure what to do now. I might need a different upscaler...

Some models really struggle with consistent anime eyes. Consider the autodetailer extension if you are using A1111's webui. It detects faces or hands then inpaints them, with considerable improvement, and very little configuration.

Honestly it is some kind of AI grand master wizardry. It just works.

About post #32468
It is also slightly blurry but it would get approved if the hands were better. Should be possible to fix with some light editing and img2img. I gave it a try for fun (because overall I like your image): if you want you can use it however you please.


Thanks. Unsure what to do now. I might need a different upscaler...

Hard to say what went wrong during the upscale but I think your denoising might've been too low. I'd use something like 20 steps and denoising ~0.3, can be higher if you're using controlnet during upscaling. You can DM me here or ping me on discord if you want to talk about upscaling.

azreturned said:

Some models really struggle with consistent anime eyes. Consider the autodetailer extension if you are using A1111's webui. It detects faces or hands then inpaints them, with considerable improvement, and very little configuration.

Honestly it is some kind of AI grand master wizardry. It just works.

I just crop the face manually and pass it to img2img. Learned it from iodoff. But autodetailer seems like a good way to automate this if you don't mind spending extra time on each image even if it didn't need it.

lewai said:

I have 4 deleted images which I thought were of pretty decent quality.
I would appreciate feedback as of why for each image so I don't reupload the same mistakes again.

Thank you

I looked at all 4 and decided to approve post #34619. Anyway...

For post #34614, futanari is a rather niche thing on the site and I think some of the approvers just don't like that type of content. I don't think the image look particularly bad, but I'm not interested in the content too much.

For post #34617, I would guess it wasn't approved because one of the hands holding her ass looks weird and since the image looks like it's supposed to be from the pov of the viewer, the arm isn't coming from the bottom, making the hand itself look disconnected.

and for post #34611, I would guess it's because her right armpit looks a little weird because it's colored a little more reddish than it should be.

็‹ใฃๅจ˜ said:

I looked at all 4 and decided to approve post #34619. Anyway...

For post #34614, futanari is a rather niche thing on the site and I think some of the approvers just don't like that type of content. I don't think the image look particularly bad, but I'm not interested in the content too much.

For post #34617, I would guess it wasn't approved because one of the hands holding her ass looks weird and since the image looks like it's supposed to be from the pov of the viewer, the arm isn't coming from the bottom, making the hand itself look disconnected.

and for post #34611, I would guess it's because her right armpit looks a little weird because it's colored a little more reddish than it should be.

Cool, thanks for the reply, and thank you for approving that one post.

If I am allowed, here's some feedback on that feedback:
For post #34617 I agree that it does feel weird for those arms/hands disconnects.
For post #34611 If the reason is just that the approvers don't like that type of content, that feels rather weird, my opinion is that maybe it should be approved if it meets quality standards, but maybe that's just not the right site for it.
For post #34611 Considering the art style, I would've thought the colors were okay, but if the mods have higher quality standards than what I expected, that's very fair.

azreturned said:

Looking for feedback on post #35107 and post #35108. First time working with somewhat realistic looking models, and I know realistic-looking posts are highly scrutinized here. Any little nitpick or detail that's not right would be most appreciated.

I remember having a dilemma when I saw them. On one hand there's a lot to like about the quality and style, but on the other the girl's left hand is distractingly weird looking in both cases.

Anything wrong with post #35972? It's actually not to my taste really, but other than the cock being bent (but not unrealistically so IMO), I think it's a quality image. If you look on my page, you'll see I've been trying to get a few images with high-quality AI-generated feet on here, to try get some stuff in pool:13.

Mintboard said:

Anything wrong with post #35972? It's actually not to my taste really, but other than the cock being bent (but not unrealistically so IMO), I think it's a quality image. If you look on my page, you'll see I've been trying to get a few images with high-quality AI-generated feet on here, to try get some stuff in pool:13.

Head disproportionately small compared to how wide the shoulders are. Her right shoulder seems too far away.

Mintboard said:

Anything wrong with post #35972? It's actually not to my taste really, but other than the cock being bent (but not unrealistically so IMO), I think it's a quality image. If you look on my page, you'll see I've been trying to get a few images with high-quality AI-generated feet on here, to try get some stuff in pool:13.

post #35972 was only uploaded a day ago and only one approver made a decision on it so far. Usually people wait until the post is deleted to ask about it, so give it more time and maybe someone will approve it, it has around 2 more days.

็‹ใฃๅจ˜ said:

post #35972 was only uploaded a day ago and only one approver made a decision on it so far. Usually people wait until the post is deleted to ask about it, so give it more time and maybe someone will approve it, it has around 2 more days.

Fair enough, I guess this is a smaller booru. When it gets past a certain point on danbooru, I assume it's just getting deleted, so sorry for jumping the gun.

antlers_anon said:

Head disproportionately small compared to how wide the shoulders are. Her right shoulder seems too far away.

Yeah, I thought it was just my taste that was the reason I didn't like it, but you're right. Gives her a strangely masculine frame.

Kyrov said:

Looking for feedback on post #36795. One reason it was not approved says it has poor quality. I dont get it, pls help me understand whats wrong.

The fingers melting into her chest is what catches the eye first. Looking at the image longer, you can see the leg/feet mess at the bottom right corner. Either her right leg is disjointed, or her left foot is extremely long, or both.

Lyren said:

The fingers melting into her chest is what catches the eye first. Looking at the image longer, you can see the leg/feet mess at the bottom right corner. Either her right leg is disjointed, or her left foot is extremely long, or both.

I am honest, i have not seen it that way, but now that you say it and i have taken a closer look... yeah i think you're right. Thank you, case closed.

้•ฟๆฃไธŽ้ฒ้ฑผ said:

For post #37942 and post #37941, I guess the issue is bad hands/arms. If not, please help to explain, thanks.

I went ahead and approved post #37942 because it honestly looks fine. With post #37941, the hand does look kinda weird though, but I think that's really the main issue with that one. Admittedly, for me there aren't a lot of posts featuring cum that interest me, so that was my initial reason for disapproving both.

ydel said:

Can someone give me feedback on post #37400 ? Reason states: unapproved in 3 days cause 4 people didn't like it enough. What's so unattractive about this post to not approve it?

I went ahead and approved it because I don't really think there's an issue with it. With me, I usually bulk disapprove a lot of explicit-rated posts because most of them don't interest me, but it's not to say that your upload was bad.

Hi, I am new here and I still don't understand much about the rules.
My post #38734 , post #38735 , post #38801 and post #38595 are deleted because "It has been reviewed by 5 approvers. 3 believe it breaks the rules. 2 did not like the post enough to approve it." and reasons like this. But I don't understand how they break the rule of the forum, because they are not bara, but feminine men for yaoi content.
Please explain to me so that I can do better next time.


luqruq said:

Hi, I am new here and I still don't understand much about the rules.
My post #38734 , post #38735 , post #38801 and post #38595 are deleted because "It has been reviewed by 5 approvers. 3 believe it breaks the rules. 2 did not like the post enough to approve it." and reasons like this. But I don't understand how they break the rule of the forum, because they are not bara, but feminine men for Aoi content.
Please explain to me so that I can do better next time.

I don't see why they break the rules since there are lots of post of girls wearing sexy clothes, and some of my posts are just boys in sexy feminine clothes.
Also, please tell me if AIBooru is OK with LGBTQ+ content, like BL and Lesbian content.
As you can see, most of the platforms are flooded with posts of pretty girls, which means most of the uploaders and viewers are straight males and they might not interested in my uploads. Therefore I am concerned about whether my posts would be approved in the future.


I can only speak for myself but I didn't approve your posts because while the clothes were feminine, the men definitely weren't. Does it count as bara? I don't really know tbh.

Lesbians are definitely not a problem. BL will be judged more harshly than standard cute girl posts because, as you said yourself, most approvers are straight males and don't enjoy this type of content. If the males are cute, tiny and feminine, it will probably be approved if the images are overall good. Muscular men are going to be a problem.

luqruq said:

Hi, I am new here and I still don't understand much about the rules.
My post #38734 , post #38735 , post #38801 and post #38595 are deleted because "It has been reviewed by 5 approvers. 3 believe it breaks the rules. 2 did not like the post enough to approve it." and reasons like this. But I don't understand how they break the rule of the forum, because they are not bara, but feminine men for yaoi content.
Please explain to me so that I can do better next time.

From the Upload Rules:

That said, read the wiki of Bara and see Danbooru to see a general idea of what qualifies as Bara, and avoid uploading it in this site since it is indeed against the rules of AIBooru and always has been.

ffgff said:

why my image is delete? ai

Since you didn't link a specific post I went through your deleted uploads.

I manually deleted post #39295 for being rule-breaking because bara content isn't allowed on AIBooru. The rest are (maybe) because they're furry and that stuff tends to be more harshly judged since it's not really favored by some of the approvers.

Anju_the_Elegant_Kitsune said:

Since you didn't link a specific post I went through your deleted uploads.

I manually deleted post #39295 for being rule-breaking because bara content isn't allowed on AIBooru. The rest are (maybe) because they're furry and that stuff tends to be more harshly judged since it's not really favored by some of the approvers.

when i understand not like furry?

ffgff said:

when i understand not like furry?

I'm not saying it's not liked, it just gets judged more harshly. I couldn't tell you how many of the approvers like furry (but I also kinda don't care either), and while I'm not really into it, I've approved a handful of furry posts (approver:Anju_the_Elegant_Kitsune furry).

Also, if it helps at all; you're free to appeal any of your deleted uploads to give them another chance at review.

Nowarin said:

can someone explain why a lot of my uploads are not approved? what is wrong with images like these? post #40457 post #40494 post #40489 etc etc

post #40457 - small resolution, bad hands (merging with the hair as well as index finger/thumb merge & double/morphed nipple.
post #40494 - feels a bit blurry, very long eyebrow & detached ear.
post #40489 - Weirdly melting clothing below the neck, odd fingers, uneven glasses, shaky pupils & weird bat wings behind the curtains (the uneven glasses and shaky pupils could be suitable for the image if the intention is that she'd be beaten up, when it becomes a personal preference of the approver, although I don't even see the blood so I don't feel like this is the case).

antlers_anon said:

I was about to simply appeal but since we have this thread I decided to ask. Anything wrong with post #41924 ? Or is it just not what approvers crave?

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I wasn't interested, but only 3 approvers seemed to actually look at it (or mark a reason anyway) so feel free to appeal, if you want.

I'm trying to understand the standards by which things are approved. Can someone give feedback on post #44512 - it's my third one posting. My second got approved almost immediately but this seems hung up despite getting a lot of likes/favorites. Maybe I'm not understanding exactly what's being judged.

all2x3 said:

I'm trying to understand the standards by which things are approved. Can someone give feedback on post #44512 - it's my third one posting. My second got approved almost immediately but this seems hung up despite getting a lot of likes/favorites. Maybe I'm not understanding exactly what's being judged.

The pupils/iris don't look that appealing on this image (to me it seems like they are quite different in size as well), and the fingers are a bigger problem. Her left hand has a thumb that is quite long with a weird L shape, and her right hand's pinky finger is oddly thick.

It is advised to use this thread after the image is deleted, not while it's still in the queue, since it can still get approved.

zuGROB said:

Good day to you!
Have a question about post #44701, that commentary I got is right, however, but I later asked to change "faulty" image with normal one

Hi, I'm not sure exactly why it went disapproved other than simple disinterest, but I did replace the image as you requested about a day after original upload.

SONYA said:

Hi, I'm not sure exactly why it went disapproved other than simple disinterest, but I did replace the image as you requested about a day after original upload.

Well, that was unfortunate

zuGROB said:

Well, that was unfortunate

Well like I said, it was replaced a day after upload and 2 disapprovals were already made by that time, so if you want to, you can try appealing it so the new image gets a fresh run in the queue.

Semi related with uploads, but who is technical person responsible for website tuning ? Twitter / X links get rejected if they have in them, but works as usual. It' probably a minor fix in code, but it's getting annoying.

JohnCena said:

Semi related with uploads, but who is technical person responsible for website tuning ? Twitter / X links get rejected if they have in them, but works as usual. It' probably a minor fix in code, but it's getting annoying.

How long has that been going on for? I can post about it on the Discord.
Fred's pretty much the main tech person for the site at this point, so I'll refer it to him.

SONYA said:

How long has that been going on for? I can post about it on the Discord.
Fred's pretty much the main tech person for the site at this point, so I'll refer it to him.

Actually using a pc doesn't work in mobile version it's work but in x app still using link and that still work well. If someone needs update some from Twitter can use the mobile version to do it at leas this issue will fix

Imagine_Breaker said:

Actually using a pc doesn't work in mobile version it's work but in x app still using link and that still work well. If someone needs update some from Twitter can use the mobile version to do it at leas this issue will fix

From what I got told, x links redirect to twitter ones so if you use an x link on upload, it's probably trying to pull from something that technically isn't there. If you have an x link then getting the twitter one shouldn't be hard and those should be used instead.

Eventually I'm sure both will work, but I hardly know the deeper aspects of that stuff.

SONYA said:

From what I got told, x links redirect to twitter ones so if you use an x link on upload, it's probably trying to pull from something that technically isn't there. If you have an x link then getting the twitter one shouldn't be hard and those should be used instead.

Eventually I'm sure both will work, but I hardly know the deeper aspects of that stuff.

I think that too actually can be a migration issue on x, i really never notice that i use my smartphone to upload images and all works well actually i upload some images from twitter

Imagine_Breaker said:

I think that too actually can be a migration issue on x, i really never notice that i use my smartphone to upload images and all works well actually i upload some images from twitter

Admittedly, I know little about the issue and it's the first I've heard about it here so you're probably right. I usually don't upload from there either so I can't add anything meaningful there.

I know on Danbooru they've been having some occasional issues with twitter uploads too so I just assumed it was just twitter shitting itself (like it seems to be doing more so these days than ever) and thought it would kinda fix itself at some point.

SONYA said:

Admittedly, I know little about the issue and it's the first I've heard about it here so you're probably right. I usually don't upload from there either so I can't add anything meaningful there.

I know on Danbooru they've been having some occasional issues with twitter uploads too so I just assumed it was just twitter shitting itself (like it seems to be doing more so these days than ever) and thought it would kinda fix itself at some point.

Yes actually the use of twitter here is really low, in danbooru i had the problem of any image found on twitter links, and we had options to evade this issue using mobile app o or download the image and upload manually and add the x link.

Imagine_Breaker said:

Yes actually the use of twitter here is really low, in danbooru i had the problem of any image found on twitter links, and we had options to evade this issue using mobile app o or download the image and upload manually and add the x link.

Sheesh. How long has it been like that on Danbooru?

SONYA said:

Sheesh. How long has it been like that on Danbooru?

I don't remember maybe 6 months more or less, some days ago i have a post with that issue, pixiv have problems too the best way to dodge that is using the manually update and copy the link personally i do that
Example post #46583 and x link using fetch source data actually I notice i created this artist based on twitter link x link generate other artist name


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