獣姦 兽奸 兽交 異種姦 異種和姦 着衣交尾 熊姦 ポケ姦 犬姦 馬姦 獸姦 動物の仔 蟲姦 虫姦 竜姦 蛇姦 猿姦 豚姦 魚姦 海生物姦 수간
Sexual interaction between a humanoid and an animal, creature, monster, or any other non-humanoid partner.
This is a purely visual tag, i.e. possible canonical sapience of a bestial-looking character doesn't count.
See interspecies for sexual activity with a humanoid partner. Do not tag the same image with both bestiality and interspecies unless both are present.
See animal sexualization for posts where the non-humanoid partner is the focus of the post. There may be overlap between this tag and bestiality.
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: beastiality (learn more).