After the disbanding of the Southern Army Central Group and reassignment to the counterintuitively named Northern Front, Knight-Captain Nicoðima and Senior Lieutenant Ota, and Junior Lieutenant Ota, one of his many siblings, pose in their new uniforms. Amid the first hundred years of the haphazard new uniform system, many women were issued men's uniforms, in contrast with women's uniforms, which were cut after the old style of long, high-cut skirts commonly worn for the last thousand years; whether this was on purpose, or the result of mix-ups, was not clear. Here, Junior Lieutenant Ota models both women's and men's uniforms.
"I've heard they're even giving the navy their own uniforms. No wonder they can't get the orders right."
Nicoðima and the Ota Siblings
After the disbanding of the Southern Army Central Group and reassignment to the counterintuitively named Northern Front, Knight-Captain Nicoðima and Senior Lieutenant Ota, and Junior Lieutenant Ota, one of his many siblings, pose in their new uniforms. Amid the first hundred years of the haphazard new uniform system, many women were issued men's uniforms, in contrast with women's uniforms, which were cut after the old style of long, high-cut skirts commonly worn for the last thousand years; whether this was on purpose, or the result of mix-ups, was not clear. Here, Junior Lieutenant Ota models both women's and men's uniforms.
"I've heard they're even giving the navy their own uniforms. No wonder they can't get the orders right."