Background Music (BGM): OST - Niko and the World Machine Extended
#12嵐は過ぎ去り / After the Storm / 폭풍은 지나가고 이미지들이기에 어색한 점이 다수 존재합니다. 최대한 없애보려 노력하고 있습니다!There's a lot of awkwardness because they are ai images.I'm trying to get rid of it as much as possible!
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Background Music (BGM):
OneShot OST - Niko and the World Machine Extended
嵐は過ぎ去り / After the Storm / 폭풍은 지나가고
ai 이미지들이기에 어색한 점이 다수 존재합니다. 최대한 없애보려 노력하고 있습니다!
There's a lot of awkwardness because they are ai images.
I'm trying to get rid of it as much as possible!