mahou shoujo madoka magica (anime)
A winter 2011 anime series animated by Shaft, with character designs by Aoki Ume and written by Urobuchi Gen. The first installment of the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica franchise.
14-year-old Kaname Madoka was approached by a mysterious creature named Kyubey, who offers her a pact to become a magical girl who fights Witches, creatures born from darkness responsible for murders and suicides in her home city - all the while learning the deeper, darker secrets behind her mission.
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Main Characters
Supporting Characters
- Shizuki Hitomi
- Kamijou Kyousuke
- Saotome Kazuko
- Kaname Junko
- Kaname Tatsuya
- Kaname Tomohisa
- Amy
- Charlotte
Extra Characters
Witches, Familiars, and Others
- witch (madoka magica)
- witch's kiss
- witch's labyrinth
- madoka runes
- grief seed
- soul gem
- Wraith (Madoka Magica) (Majuu)
- Time Tunnel (Madoka Magica)