howto:flag (locked)
If you believe a post either violates the upload rules or is low quality, you may flag it for review. To flag a post, click the "Flag" link under the Options heading in the sidebar to the left of the post.
Flagging a post sends it to the moderation queue for review. The post has three days to be reviewed by the approval team. If the post is not reapproved after three days, the post will be deleted. This process is the same process that new uploads undergo.
Just because a post is flagged does not mean it will be deleted. Anyone may flag a post for any reason. A flagged post will only be deleted if no one on the approval team chooses to reapprove it after three days.
Please keep your flags civil and follow the community rules when flagging. Abusive flags may result in a ban.
Do flag the following content:
- Low quality or off-topic content.
- Content that breaks the upload rules.
Do not flag the following content:
- Objectionable content that does not violate the upload rules, such as loli.
- Mistagged posts.
Flagging Restrictions
- A user can only flag a post once.
- Flaggers are anonymous to everyone except Moderators. If the uploader of the flagged post is a Moderator, the flagger is anonymous to them too.
- Users can only flag up to 5 posts every 3 days. Users with 30 or more flags in the last three months can flag additional posts until their successful flag rate drops below 70%.
- Approvers can flag an unlimited number of posts.