help:welcome (locked)
Welcome to AIBooru.
Check out the AI metadata page, or search has:metadata, has:prompt, or has:seed if you are interesting in viewing the parameters used to generate images.
If you don't want to see NSFW content, you can use the safe version which only shows rating:g posts, or search for is:sfw or rating:g,s,q etc. as you wish.
Here are other things you may want to search:
is:sfw | shows only posts rated G or S |
rating:g,s,q | shows posts rated either G, S, or Q |
has:prompt | shows posts with their prompt field filled in |
order:views | sort posts by most viewed first |
order:score | sort posts by highest score first |
order:favcount | sort posts by most favorites first |
self_upload | images uploaded by the person that created them |
exif:PNG:Comment | shows posts that have a PNG:Comment field in their metadata |
ai:simple_background,70.. | search for posts that our autotagger thinks are simple background with over 70% confidence |
For a complete list, see help:cheatsheet.
To view the full metadata of a file, click the » button next to the Size field in the image information section of the sidebar on any post page. It's also available on the uploads page.
You can search for posts based on their model hash, sampler, seed, or prompts on the AI metadata page.
You can search based on AI-generated tags from DeepDanbooru on this page. This may assist with finding posts that are insufficiently tagged by users.
To find images to upload, you can search for things like #NovelAI, #NovelAIDiffusion, #AIart, or #AIイラスト on Twitter, though those generally will not have AI metadata available. You can also check pixiv where that metadata is kept.
For higher quality images or to learn how to generate images yourself, you can visit the 東方Project AI Discord
More details about the website are available on help:home.
WIP on a model/embed/hypernetwork hosting website. For more details talk to @fredgido.
WIP acquiring all AI pictures available on other websites and discord.