dirty pair
A science fiction franchise based on a series of novels by Takachiho Haruka. The series follows Kei and Yuri, a pair of WWWA agents who solve crimes and complete various other jobs they are given while causing massive collateral damage along the way. The franchise has multiple different entries, many of which are in separate continuities.
The most recognizable version of the main duo is from the 80s anime adaptation, where they were designed by Dokite Tsukasa and featured in a TV series, an OVA series, a theatrical film, and several OVA films.
Other Versions
- The novels, the source material for the franchise, illustrated by Yasuhiko Yoshikazu.
- Dirty Pair Flash, a 90s reboot featuring a younger version of the pair in a new continuity with character designs by Kimura Takahiro.
- Dirty Pair no Daibouken, a 2012 manga that shares its name with the first volume of the original novels, illustrated by Tamaki Hisao.
- The Dirty Pair, a series of officially licensed comics published by Eclipse Comics and Dark Horse Comics, written and illustrated by Adam Warren.
External links
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