arcana heart 2
Arcana Heart 2 (アルカナハート2) is a 2D arcade fighting game developed by Examu Inc. (formerly Yuki Enterprise). The game features an original all-female cast, each a variation of the moe archetype.
Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2 (すっごい!アルカナハート2) is the updated version of Arcana Heart 2. This version brought some balance and design changes along with some additional elements and new fighters.
Characters Introducted in Arcana Heart 2
- Petra Johanna Lagerkvist (ペトラ・ヨハンナ・ラーゲルクヴィスト) and her Holy Arcana, Zilrael.
- Zenia Valov (ゼニア・ヴァロフ) and her Ice Arcana, Almacia.
- Elsa La Conti (エルザ・ラ・コンティ) and her Punishment Arcana, Koshmar.
- Clarice Di Lanza (クラリーチェ・ディ・ランツァ) and her Sin Arcana, Sorwat.
- Catherine Kyoubashi (キャサリン京橋) and her Magnetism Arcana, Medain.
- Dorothy Albright (ドロシー・オルブライト) and her Mirror Arcana, Heliogabalus.
- Angelia Avallone (アンジェリア・アヴァロン) and her Halo Arcana, Mildred.
Characters Introducted in Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2
- Inuwaka Nazuna (犬若なずな) and her Flower Arcana, Kayatsu-hime.
- Inuwaka Akane (犬若あかね) and her Sound Arcana, Phoenix.
- Parace L'Sia (パラセ・ルシア) and her Life Arcana, Paracelsia.
See also
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