Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda (世界征服 ~謀略のズヴィズダー~, lit. World Conquest: Zvezda's Plot) is an anime series that aired January 2014, directed by Tensei Okamura and co-written with Meteor Hoshizora of Type-Moon. Characters designs by Kuroboshi Kouhaku and Sasaki Keigo.
- Hoshimiya Kate / Venera-sama
- Jimon Asuta / Dva
- Shikabane Itsuka / Plamja-sama
- Natasha / Professor Um
- Morozumi Yasubee / Odin
- Shikabane Gorou / General Pepel
- Shirasagi Miki / White Egret
- Komadori Renge / White Robin
- Roboko
- Kurukuru
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