Character in the Soul series of fighting games. She is a mainstay of the SoulCalibur series and one of most iconic characters in the franchise.
Sophitia is a benevolent, faithful, selfless, and strong-willed young woman who is devoted to her family and will do anything to protect them by all means, even if it means sacrificing her own life. She was sent on a holy quest by Hephaestus, Greek god of the Forge, to destroy Soul Edge. The affair soon affected her other family members as well, including her sister, Cassandra, and later her children, Pyrrha and Patroklos.
Visual characteristics
Sophitia has pale skin and long blonde hair that is usually tied in a braid. She looks like a greek heroine, most of her attire consists of a dress matched with shoulder pads and vambraces. She is usually depicted wielding a short sword and a round shield.
Typical Tags
Person: blonde hair, long hair, blue eyes, green eyes, large breasts, braid, bangs.
Clothing: armored dress, white dress, vambraces, shoulder pads, pauldrons, cross-laced clothes, skirt, see-through.
Accessories: sword, shield, hair ornament.
See also
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