坂田ネムノ ネムノ 坂田合欢乃 合欢乃 사카타네무노 네무노
The Mountain Hag who Surpasses This Floating World's Barriers
A yamanba (Mountain Hag) who is the Stage 2 boss of Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Her ability is to consecrate land.
She speaks in a rough manner and chooses to isolate herself from the rest of Gensokyo's society. Her profile describes her as being primitive even by Gensokyo's standards. Allegedly raised the legendary child Kintoki.
She is depicted with long, white, wavy hair and has red eyes. Her dress is a single-shoulder dress held up by a single strap. She is barefoot and is often depicted wielding a large cleaver or hashitsuki nata (depending on the artist), with a bow.
She is the first character drawn by ZUN to have visible breasts (which is often exaggerated in fanart)