CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam
A transformable mecha from Gundam 00.
It is the second mobile suit to be equipped with the Twin Drive System (though it uses two GN Drive Taus). In its Reborns Gundam Mode, it is a general purpose MS with balanced arsenal, but it can transform into the Reborns Cannon, which specializes in ranged combat.
It is equipped with GN Fin Fangs, with the 4 large ones docked on its backpack and serves as quadruple GN Cannons in Reborns Cannon mode. This gives the Reborns Gundam a resemblance to the Hi-Nu Gundam from Char's Counterattack - Beltorchika's Children novel (though the obvious difference is their color scheme). It is also capable of using Trans-Am.
It is piloted by Ribbons Almark.
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