An Assassin-class servant from Fate/Grand Order. Osakabe-Hime is a youkai that haunts the walls of Himeji Castle, and a friend of Tamamo no Mae and Kiyohime. While she uses a bat motif, Osakabe is actually a kitsune that attained human form (and also notes that it would be confusing if there were two kitsune Servants in the game). She is also a massive hikikomori, and has the ability to control the origami animals she creates.
Appearance-wise, Osakabe has very long black hair fading into brown tips that she wears in twintails, purple eyes, and wears glasses. Her standard outfit is a kimono-themed hoodie and a purple skirt. Due to her dialogue in her swimsuit variants, she is also often depicted with a plump body.
She has a swimsuit version for the summer 2019 event.
Character Design: Moriyama Daisuke
Voice Actress: Fukuen Misato