Itadori Yuuji is the protagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen. Yuuji grew up in Sendai but soon moved to Tokyo to enroll in the Tokyo Jujutsu High School. There, he is a first-year student at the school where he goes on missions with his classmates. He learns about controlling his curse powers and the cursed spirit inside him.
Through this, he is able to liberate people and areas from curses that are attacking them. The other side to Yuuji is Sukuna, the King of All Curses who possesses him.
He has brown eyes and undercut pink hair. After consuming Sukuna's finger, he now has two facial markings below his eyes. The powerful curse also occasionally manifests as extra mouths on Yuji’s body that Sukuna talks through. These terrifying mouths can appear under his eyes or even on his hand.