In my country, there's a famous meme comic imported from Japan with the line, "Being moved into poses sometimes seen in rough Western porn." It’s been circulating in various internet communities. I just saw it again in a community. So, I tried moving Onodera around in various locations. I'm curious if that meme comic is famous in Japan as well, and what it's called there. 私の国では、「過激な洋物AVで時々見られるポーズで移動されている…」という有名なミーム漫画が日本から輸入され、様々なインターネットコミュニティで話題になっています。さっきまたコミュニティでそれを見ました。それで、小野寺をいろいろな場所で動かしてみました。そのミーム漫画が日本でも有名なのか、そして日本では何と呼ばれているのか気になります。 The story is about a drunk senior being carried to her apartment by a junior in those poses... Hmm... I've tried looking up the author, but I can't find any information. 内容は酔っ払った先輩女性を後輩があのポーズでアパートまで運ぶというものなんですが...うーん...作者が誰なのか探しても全然わかりません。
In my country, there's a famous meme comic imported from Japan with the line, "Being moved into poses sometimes seen in rough Western porn." It’s been circulating in various internet communities. I just saw it again in a community. So, I tried moving Onodera around in various locations. I'm curious if that meme comic is famous in Japan as well, and what it's called there.
The story is about a drunk senior being carried to her apartment by a junior in those poses... Hmm... I've tried looking up the author, but I can't find any information.