Jigsy almost 2 years ago [hidden] Link from: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/108564932 0 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
Certain miracle
Stable Diffusion (Anything v4.5) + Post-processing
Uncensored version + inpaint process: https://mega.nz/folder/r7AgnDoZ#HQRKvqSjT-Ua8B21ckhQJg
That took SO MUCH TIME... Pretty sure there was a much easier and faster way to do this, but I only know this one... And also, it definitely didn't help the fact that during this process it was very difficult to... ahem... concentrate >_<
Umineko collection:
- Beatrice: pixiv #108025479
- Bernkastel: pixiv #108084544
- Lambdadelta: pixiv #108146974
Umineko R-18 collection:
- Beatrice: pixiv #108174481
- Bernkastel: pixiv #108224438
- Lambdadelta: pixiv #108282783
- Bernkastel X Lambdadelta: pixiv #108564932
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/ap2-ai-artist