Recently, I have come to deeply appreciate the unparalleled charm of the Alma x Gemma pairing—it is truly worthy of further, more profound exploration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「最近作品題材更多元!有興趣的話,歡迎支持我的 Patreon!」 "My recent works are more diverse! If you're interested, support me on Patreon!"
近日深感 阿爾瑪 x 節馬 這對組合實在妙不可言,實在值得更多、更深入的探索。
Recently, I have come to deeply appreciate the unparalleled charm of the Alma x Gemma pairing—it is truly worthy of further, more profound exploration.
「最近作品題材更多元!有興趣的話,歡迎支持我的 Patreon!」
"My recent works are more diverse! If you're interested, support me on Patreon!"