@noppersnop There was a time when oral hygiene was so bad that some people had worms living in their teeth. But now, imagine this, a tiny baby worm minding its own business, living inside a delicious fruit. Suddenly the fruit gets thrown into the crushing maws of a cruel human. The worm is terrified, calling for its mom, panicking and crying, but no help is coming. Then, amidst the chaos and pain, it sees a tiny hole in one of the teeth, a calm recluse in the meatgrinder it has found itself in. The worm rushes in, desperately clinging to its last chance of escaping doom. And then, two stone-cold glossy beads appear above the hole it was trying to reach. The hole distorts in a mocking grin and while brandishing it's own set of fangs, asks "What's up, motherfucker?"
@noppersnop There was a time when oral hygiene was so bad that some people had worms living in their teeth. But now, imagine this, a tiny baby worm minding its own business, living inside a delicious fruit. Suddenly the fruit gets thrown into the crushing maws of a cruel human. The worm is terrified, calling for its mom, panicking and crying, but no help is coming. Then, amidst the chaos and pain, it sees a tiny hole in one of the teeth, a calm recluse in the meatgrinder it has found itself in. The worm rushes in, desperately clinging to its last chance of escaping doom. And then, two stone-cold glossy beads appear above the hole it was trying to reach. The hole distorts in a mocking grin and while brandishing it's own set of fangs, asks "What's up, motherfucker?"
wowie the creative scale inside your head is tuned way to high !
Cut it with the attitude, please. You were already warned at least once to stop.
If you dislike an image, then blacklist or ignore it. Leaving discouraging comments like this is completely unhelpful, not only to the uploader, but to everyone and not something that we want to encourage other users to do either.
Edit: If you see more comments from this user that are like this, please report them. This is the second time they've been warned and they still wish to continue acting like this.