Here is a some information, the idea of generating this is based on this other post #16986 I liked the idea but novel AI currently looks very obsolete.
first I generated some images of Saki and Yachie being alone, I used the loras of Saki and Yachie created by Imagine Breaker
then I used IMG2IMG + DPM++ 2S a Karras sampling method to blend the background into a single one. this was the most difficult part because some things the AI redrew better, but other parts were worse, it happened a lot with the face or the skirts. after generating 63 different images, I chose this last one, ironically 63 is my lucky number.
then I used inpaiting to add Yachie's turtle shell and dragon tail, and improve Saki's wings and horse tail, this is the final result alternatively I made a different version that includes a hand drawn Lightning glare by me.
and before you say anything else, I improved the fingers on both versions, it's not perfect, but it's better than broken fingers.
Took forever but I found the proper source. This is the source for the image (3rd image in the set) and the upload here was a very inferior version of it.
@tremolo_measure Yup. I used Anything 4.5 model. Metadata might not match 100% cause of inpainting
I have added an artist tag, it this marshmallow233, you can change it later. please, if you upload something generated by you add that tag + self_upload tag
I have added an artist tag, it this marshmallow233, you can change it later. please, if you upload something generated by you add that tag + self_upload tag
This author's Pixiv account no longer exists. I just thought I'd post this one to save it from oblivion, since I like it and it doesn't seem to exist anymore. (His Twitter account still exists, but with that dlsite thumbnail at the top of his feed, I'm a bit surprised by that...)
No metadata on this, but I'm guessing it's NAI since a few of his other posts that I have archived have NovelAI metadata.