Sexy and cute. Bea is the best current gen Pokewaifu with her sweat tinged athleticism and erotic bike shorts patterned bodysuit. Her fierce competiveness and secret sweet tooth also adds to her charm. Bea forever...
Hey kether, i really like your images. What model did you use for them? From the model hash i can see its 8ba2af87. Is this model only available on novelai, or can one also use it local since i really like the style and it is very coherent. Thanks in Advance.
Hey kether, i really like your images. What model did you use for them? From the model hash i can see its 8ba2af87. Is this model only available on novelai, or can one also use it local since i really like the style and it is very coherent. Thanks in Advance.
@noppersnop There was a time when oral hygiene was so bad that some people had worms living in their teeth. But now, imagine this, a tiny baby worm minding its own business, living inside a delicious fruit. Suddenly the fruit gets thrown into the crushing maws of a cruel human. The worm is terrified, calling for its mom, panicking and crying, but no help is coming. Then, amidst the chaos and pain, it sees a tiny hole in one of the teeth, a calm recluse in the meatgrinder it has found itself in. The worm rushes in, desperately clinging to its last chance of escaping doom. And then, two stone-cold glossy beads appear above the hole it was trying to reach. The hole distorts in a mocking grin and while brandishing it's own set of fangs, asks "What's up, motherfucker?"
wowie the creative scale inside your head is tuned way to high !
@noppersnop There was a time when oral hygiene was so bad that some people had worms living in their teeth. But now, imagine this, a tiny baby worm minding its own business, living inside a delicious fruit. Suddenly the fruit gets thrown into the crushing maws of a cruel human. The worm is terrified, calling for its mom, panicking and crying, but no help is coming. Then, amidst the chaos and pain, it sees a tiny hole in one of the teeth, a calm recluse in the meatgrinder it has found itself in. The worm rushes in, desperately clinging to its last chance of escaping doom. And then, two stone-cold glossy beads appear above the hole it was trying to reach. The hole distorts in a mocking grin and while brandishing it's own set of fangs, asks "What's up, motherfucker?"
Well, my reply came from some H doujins, Ive seen quite a few tagged like Oppai loli with girls like this one, so at least for me, she can pass like an oppai loli as well, at least in my opinion.
Cut it with the attitude, please. You were already warned at least once to stop.
If you dislike an image, then blacklist or ignore it. Leaving discouraging comments like this is completely unhelpful, not only to the uploader, but to everyone and not something that we want to encourage other users to do either.
Edit: If you see more comments from this user that are like this, please report them. This is the second time they've been warned and they still wish to continue acting like this.
Eh, the wiki states "notably adult-sized breasts," so that's where my comment came from. Technically a being flat-chested isn't a requirement (just the norm) to count as loli as there are plenty of loli images with small breasts for example (just a little under 1,100 on here).
Well, my reply came from some H doujins, Ive seen quite a few tagged like Oppai loli with girls like this one, so at least for me, she can pass like an oppai loli as well, at least in my opinion.
I mean Pixiv-esque not as in anime-style but as in good and beautiful. Of course I know there's realistic content in Pixiv too, but you can make good stuff with realism too. For Heaven's sake.
Being tolerant to evil only brings destruction.
And hate me all you want for my words. God will avenge me if necessary. You know I'm right.
Oh and of course I should call out evil when I see it, bringing evil down for what evil uploads? Of course I bring evil down for what it uploads.
And besides that was not the point: realism doesn't mean "bad" as there is both good realism and bad realism and I only want to see the GOOD here. This is an art gallery after all, not a dumpster. This is literally contamination. Get it off my sight.
Lord Jesus, help us. Likewise may he help you all misguided.
I mean Pixiv-esque not as in anime-style but as in good and beautiful. Of course I know there's realistic content in Pixiv too, but you can make good stuff with realism too. For Heaven's sake.
Being tolerant to evil only brings destruction.
And hate me all you want for my words. God will avenge me if necessary. You know I'm right.
Oh and of course I should call out evil when I see it, bringing evil down for what evil uploads? Of course I bring evil down for what it uploads.
And besides that was not the point: realism doesn't mean "bad" as there is both good realism and bad realism and I only want to see the GOOD here. This is an art gallery after all, not a dumpster. This is literally contamination. Get it off my sight.
Lord Jesus, help us. Likewise may he help you all misguided.
Now just what the heck are you talking about? Evil upload? how? This post is within the rules and has been approved admins of this site, they have control over what they allow on here. If they didn't think it was acceptable they would have not accepted it.
Also realistic ai is allow on here as long as it's not of realistic lolis/shotas.
I'll say it again: AIBooru is for Pixiv-esque (good) content, not random CivitAI crap.
You do know that there's photorealistic content (kind of like this image) on Pixiv too, right? We don't need to bring people down for what they upload, just blacklist or ignore it if you really don't like it.
Hey, no need for comments like that. If you don't want to see content like this, you can blacklist the uploader, the artist, or the tag(s) you feel you need to.
I personally think even a bit of breasts on a loli already can make them an oppai loli, plus they are perky, not all of them need to have a completely exaggerated size (However, I have no problem with that, of course).
Eh, the wiki states "notably adult-sized breasts," so that's where my comment came from. Technically a being flat-chested isn't a requirement (just the norm) to count as loli as there are plenty of loli images with small breasts for example (just a little under 1,100 on here).
I personally think even a bit of breasts on a loli already can make them an oppai loli, plus they are perky, not all of them need to have a completely exaggerated size (However, I have no problem with that, of course).
This image also had been posted on my pixiv account as well, but for some odd reason, my account got shadowbanned without apparent reason. No warning messages about posting AI art stuff despite I was putting the right tags.
This was flagged for apparently missing a finger, I assume on the left hand (to the right of the image).. but I feel like the thumb may just be hidden considering this is a common position the left hand is drawn in when it's up like that.
No, the hand to our left (her right hand) only has 4 fingers
This was flagged for apparently missing a finger, I assume on the left hand (to the right of the image).. but I feel like the thumb may just be hidden considering this is a common position the left hand is drawn in when it's up like that.
It will be auto deleted if not approved in 3 days, but since it would need a minor fix.. if you make a revised version, you can request this to be replaced.
Mother of god, I didn't notice the extra finger and didn't finalize it. How do I delete what I downloaded?
It will be auto deleted if not approved in 3 days, but since it would need a minor fix.. if you make a revised version, you can request this to be replaced.
@noppersnop Some tags implicate other ones. For example if you tag an image with grabbing_own_ass it will automatically add ass_grab and disallow removing it unless you also remove the grabbing tag.
oh i see thanks. i thought i needed to delete the general tags in favour of the more specific
@noppersnop Some tags implicate other ones. For example if you tag an image with grabbing_own_ass it will automatically add ass_grab and disallow removing it unless you also remove the grabbing tag.
I generally try stay away from policing comments too hard, but can we be a little more constructive than just calling their uploads awful? A helpful comment goes a long way and I'd rather they not be discouraged because their uploads aren't generally liked here.
If you really dislike the post, then downvote and move on. I'm getting kind of tired of seeing mean and sarcastic comments that don't help anything (not only on this post, but on others).